Telematics without OBDII Our customers, along with all their competitors, knew there was a big opportunity in developing...
Container Farming The customer had made a prototype and was now trying to bridge the gap to manufacturing without a...
Always On 360 Degree Dash Camera Sure, a dash cam can show you what is happening in front of the car when the car is running; but...
Medication Minder Our customer needed a simple as possible method for ensuring that patients are in fact taking...
RFID for Downhole Tools Our customer needed a way to trigger a sliding sleeve as a dart passed by and only trigger one of...
Skimmer Detector Skimmers were fast approaching a billion dollar problem. Skimmers are devices placed on gas pumps...
Mass Customized LED Lighting Control System Our client, a leading provider of commercial lighting products, had a problem. Virtually every...
IV Pump Our client invented a new technology that would revolutionize the infusion pump. He needed a team...
DSP App Our client, a leading escalator certification company, needed a way to turn the large data set it...
Remote Patient Monitoring System Our customer, a large visiting nursing provider, needed to lower costs. The cost for Medicare...
Remote for Seniors Our client, an owner of a chain of assisted living facilities, had a problem. Their customers...
Idea to Prototype in One Week Our customer had several ideas on how to make his product easier to use. In order to know if any...
Invent Sales and Marketing Program Our customer had just come out with a new pet product, but had no idea how to go about selling it....
Downhole Trigger Our client needed help in developing a method for triggering a downhole tool without the use of...
Drilling Dynamics Sub You can drill fast or the bit can last a long time, but you can’t do both—until now. Every driller...
Diversity Antenna Our client operated in an extreme RF environment and in a very noisy spectrum. They wanted a new...
View Shed Mapping Our client, a leading provider of IoT sensors and networks, was struggling to keep up with the...
Extreme Environment Switching Regulator Our client produced power for their product using a mud turbine, which used the flow of drilling...
10x Reduction in Cost Our customer needed to reduce unit cost significantly in order to scale the business beyond the...
Wireless Connection for Exercise Equipment The client needed an RF control system but had no in-house expertise and did not want to increase...
Replacing Expensive Coax with Electronics Designed integrated power over cable down converter antenna in order to avoid costly coax...
Preventing Distracted Driving Texting while driving has been a significant safety issue for the commercial trucking industry...
Downhole Electronic Drift Tool The standard method of surveying oil and gas wells relied on antiquated mechanisms, unchanged for...
Soda Machine Our client wanted to rid the world of plastic bottles by providing a low cost machine that could...
Reshoring Product Our customer was done with working with its Asian partner. Costs were high, customer service was...
Irrigation Valves with No Wires and No RF Our client wanted to disrupt the 100-year-old irrigation market by eliminating the most costly and...
Drive By IoT Our client knew that a tank monitoring system that cost 10% of existing systems on the market...
Robotic Pharmacist Our client saw a way to help long-term nursing facilities better manage medication management and...
Ultra-Low-Cost IoT Sensor with 10-Year Battery Our client, a startup, recognized an opportunity for IoT sensors in the Propane and Fuel Oil...
Press Brake Controller Our client had maintained a nearly 100% market share in a niche manufacturing control system for...
Highly Reliable/Long Life Span LED Driver The dirty little secret in the LED lighting industry is that although the LEDs themselves will...
Ruggedized Mobile Command Center Emergency field personnel needed access to secure voice and data communication within a portable...
Explosive Detector Transform a one-off, hand-built science project into a reliable, manufacturable product; and do it...