Highly Reliable/Long Life Span LED Driver

How to make a LED Driver last as long as the LEDs do.

FinishLine Expertise

  • Electronic Design
  • Digital Switching Regulators
  • Conceptual Design Methodology

Project Description

The dirty little secret in the LED lighting industry is that although the LEDs themselves will last 20+ years, the AC to DC converters used to power them will not. FinishLinePDS was able to design a unique (patented) driver technology that allowed our client to dominate the high-reliability lighting industry.

Challenge icon
The Challenge

How to drive LEDs from an AC source without using any life-limiting electronic components commonly found in AC/DC converts—like electrolytic capacitors.

The process icon
The Process
  1. Brainstorm different concepts
  2. Analysis of concepts and select best concept
  3. Conduct proof of concept testing in the lab to confirm the analysis
  4. Develop requirements for the product
  5. Designed product to meet requirements
  6. Build prototypes and perform testing to confirm design meets requirements
  7. Assist in getting the design into high volume production
The solution icon
The Solution

The world’s first AC direct design that conforms to industry standards of performance of efficiency, flicker, and safety.

Results icon
The Results
  1. Our client received several high-value orders for the product, including several from government entities
  2. Our client was able to raise money to ramp production to keep up with demand
  3. Technology differentiation allows for outsized margins in a commodity industry


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