Our client wanted to disrupt the 100-year-old irrigation market by eliminating the most costly and least reliable part of the system—the wires. They would dominate the >1B market if this could be done. FinishLinePDS came up with a patented method of using water as the communication means.
Irrigation Valves with No Wires and No RF
Using Irrigation to Control Irrigation
FinishLine Expertise
- Brainstorming/Innovation
- Technology Development
- Proof of Concept
Project Description
The Challenge
How to communicate with underground irrigation valves where RF would not work.
The Process
- Brainstorm Ideas.
- Pick the top idea, and do a proof of concept test.
- Iterate until success.
The Solution
- Acoustic Pulse communications.
- 20-year battery life.
The Results
- Reduced total cost of ownership by 90%.
- Increase reliability by 2x.
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