Irrigation Valves with No Wires and No RF

Using Irrigation to Control Irrigation

FinishLine Expertise

  • Brainstorming/Innovation
  • Technology Development
  • Proof of Concept

Project Description

Our client wanted to disrupt the 100-year-old irrigation market by eliminating the most costly and least reliable part of the system—the wires. They would dominate the >1B market if this could be done. FinishLinePDS came up with a patented method of using water as the communication means.

Challenge icon
The Challenge

How to communicate with underground irrigation valves where RF would not work.

The process icon
The Process
  1. Brainstorm Ideas.
  2. Pick the top idea, and do a proof of concept test.
  3. Iterate until success.
The solution icon
The Solution
  1. Acoustic Pulse communications.
  2. 20-year battery life.
Results icon
The Results
  1. Reduced total cost of ownership by 90%.
  2. Increase reliability by 2x.


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