If your Product is Made in China, You Must Read This

If your Product is Made in China, You Must Read This

China is known for its manufacturing abilities and many great products are made there. However, it is a different country with different laws and a different culture. These differences can lead to real problems for US-based companies, especially small companies and...
4 Myths About Manufacturing in China

4 Myths About Manufacturing in China

Many companies made a decision to source product/production in China based on a “myth.” For some of these companies, China turned out to be the right choice, even if the decision-making process was flawed. For others, they now have to spend money and time finding,...
Design Changes for Reshoring Manufacturing

Design Changes for Reshoring Manufacturing

Reshoring a product is more complex than handing over your blueprints to a new American contract manufacturer (CM). There are several crucial factors to consider when making this transition, and we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of design-related issues that...
Is it Always Cheaper in China?

Is it Always Cheaper in China?

Although it is true that the labor rate in China is far lower than in the USA, their productivity (the value of the work they do per hour) more than compensates for their lower wage. Productivity is a fancy way of saying how much work can be done in an hour. Price is...