Idea to Prototype in One Week

Learning Fast

FinishLine Expertise

  • Rapid Development Cycles

Project Description

Our customer had several ideas on how to make his product easier to use. In order to know if any of these ideas would be improvements, they needed to actually interact with them—not on a CAD system, but actually touch and feel them.

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The Challenge

How to shorten the “concept-to-prototype” cycle. The development cycle could only move as fast as the decisions could be made, and each decision required designing, reviewing and manufacturing a part—a process that typically takes weeks. At this pace, the project would take several years.

The process icon
The Process

Concurrently design and manufacture parts by organizing a set of experts, vendors and processes.

The solution icon
The Solution

Concept-to-prototype in one week.

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The Results

Development of a product with the right product-market fit.


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